
A brighter academic future is just a few steps away

Appleton front door

Enrollment at The Richardson School is a multi-step, interactive process designed to ensure that we can meet the unique needs of each student.

When an IEP team determines an alternative school setting is best for a student to reach their full academic potential, we encourage parents, guardians, school districts and others to tour our campuses and meet our staff.

In addition, our staff observes the student in their current educational setting, whether that be at their local school or home environment. During this observation, we gather data that will help us better support and educate the student.

A copy of the IEP is provided by the school district for TRS to review. We provide IEP feedback to the team and a meeting is held to further determine whether enrollment is appropriate. Following the IEP team meeting, TRS enrollment paperwork is completed before the start date. Once these meetings and paperwork have been completed, an enrollment date is confirmed.

Contact Us

If you'd like to begin the enrollment process or speak to a member of The Richardson School staff, visit our Contact Us page.