Our Students

The Richardson School (TRS) serves children, adolescents and young adults with a variety of diagnoses including autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities, specific learning disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, other health impairments and mental health concerns. The students who benefit most from our settings are those with environmental, emotional or educational needs which are difficult to individually accommodate.

With specific expertise in autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, mood and behavioral disorders, TRS exists to help students gain the skills they need to reach their potential and return to their home school environment.

Students are grouped by social and functioning levels into either the 100 hallway or 200 hallway. In each hallway, there is typically an elementary, a middle and a high school classroom.

  • “100 Hallway” students are typically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, speech and language disorders, sensory processing disorders and/or other disabilities that prevent them from accessing the regular curriculum.
  • “200 Hallway” students are typically diagnosed with emotional/behavioral disabilities, mental health disorders, attachment disorders, and/or disabilities that prevent them from accessing the regular curriculum.

Regardless of a student’s diagnosis, they are provided the same levels of building-wide supports that help address increasing coping skills, sensory needs and lagging academic and developmental skill areas. Based on their IEP, crisis cycles and sensory profiles, additional supports are layered in to make sure all of our students have their specific, individual needs met on a daily basis within our school.

Teacher helping student at a computer.